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2376. Three of Cups
by 1289. Aly Fell
Barbara Moore says of this card in the Steampunk Tarot:
The 3 of Cups is always a fun card. Traditionally it shows three women dancing and holding up chalices. They are just partying and enjoying each other's company for no specific reason. Who doesn't like that?
Here, we have three very different women (yes, the one in the middle is a woman!) with different pasts (represented by the pictures behind them) and different aspirations (represented by their belongings on the table). Yet here, in this moment, they have a connection and can appreciate and celebrate themselves and their friendship. I think the Steampunk world is nicely represented here with the society woman, the adventurer, and the mystic. One of the things I love about Steampunk is its diversity.
See Also
1289. Aly Fell
1826. Barbara Moore
1827. Steampunk Tarot
1290. Three of Pentacles
1291. Eight of Pentacles
1292. The High Priestess
1293. The Queen of Cups
1294. The Queen of Swords
1295. The Hanged Man
2375. The Hermit
Collection Tags
Tarot, Artwork
2376. Three of Cups
by 1289. Aly Fell
Barbara Moore says of this card in the Steampunk Tarot:
The 3 of Cups is always a fun card. Traditionally it shows three women dancing and holding up chalices. They are just partying and enjoying each other's company for no specific reason. Who doesn't like that?
Here, we have three very different women (yes, the one in the middle is a woman!) with different pasts (represented by the pictures behind them) and different aspirations (represented by their belongings on the table). Yet here, in this moment, they have a connection and can appreciate and celebrate themselves and their friendship. I think the Steampunk world is nicely represented here with the society woman, the adventurer, and the mystic. One of the things I love about Steampunk is its diversity.
See Also
1289. Aly Fell
1826. Barbara Moore
1827. Steampunk Tarot
1290. Three of Pentacles
1291. Eight of Pentacles
1292. The High Priestess
1293. The Queen of Cups
1294. The Queen of Swords
1295. The Hanged Man
2375. The Hermit
Collection Tags
Tarot, Artwork