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1294. The Queen of Swords
by 1289. Aly Fell
Barbara Moore says of this card in the Steampunk Tarot:
The Queen of Swords is a woman of experience and intelligence. She's faced hard choices and difficult challenges, yet has come out on top. Instead of becoming bitter, she grows wiser and perhaps more cautious, more calculated.
I love this painting so much. It really showcases Aly's talent, particularly how he makes his work (which is digitally created) look like oil paintings. Notice the soft folds of her satin gown, the sharp white highlights of her sheer sleeves, and the glow of the sword's metal.
See Also
1289. Aly Fell
1826. Barbara Moore
1827. Steampunk Tarot
1290. Three of Pentacles
1291. Eight of Pentacles
1292. The High Priestess
1293. The Queen of Cups
1295. The Hanged Man
2375. The Hermit
2376. Three of Cups
Collection Tags
Tarot, Artwork
1294. The Queen of Swords
by 1289. Aly Fell
Barbara Moore says of this card in the Steampunk Tarot:
The Queen of Swords is a woman of experience and intelligence. She's faced hard choices and difficult challenges, yet has come out on top. Instead of becoming bitter, she grows wiser and perhaps more cautious, more calculated.
I love this painting so much. It really showcases Aly's talent, particularly how he makes his work (which is digitally created) look like oil paintings. Notice the soft folds of her satin gown, the sharp white highlights of her sheer sleeves, and the glow of the sword's metal.
See Also
1289. Aly Fell
1826. Barbara Moore
1827. Steampunk Tarot
1290. Three of Pentacles
1291. Eight of Pentacles
1292. The High Priestess
1293. The Queen of Cups
1295. The Hanged Man
2375. The Hermit
2376. Three of Cups
Collection Tags
Tarot, Artwork