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1293. The Queen of Cups
by 1289. Aly Fell
Barbara Moore says of this card in the Steampunk Tarot:
This image is very special to me. It is a modified version of Aly's "Judith," which was the first piece of his that I ever saw and the one that made me know that I wanted him to be the one to paint my vision. There was a nice sense of closure with this image because it also was the one chosen for the kit box cover, which is the last set in creating the deck. "Judith" was the first I saw and fell in love with and the cover image, the Queen of Cups, will be the first thing a customer sees (and hopefully also falls in love with).
The Queen of Cups is very immersed in the human emotional experience and very in touch with her own emotions. She promises great things but requires things in return: emotional courage and honesty. Whenever I see this card, I think of the words from Florence and the Machine's song Rabbit Heart. "This is a gift; it comes at a price."
See Also
1289. Aly Fell
1826. Barbara Moore
1827. Steampunk Tarot
1290. Three of Pentacles
1291. Eight of Pentacles
1292. The High Priestess
1294. The Queen of Swords
1295. The Hanged Man
2375. The Hermit
2376. Three of Cups
Collection Tags
Tarot, Artwork
1293. The Queen of Cups
by 1289. Aly Fell
Barbara Moore says of this card in the Steampunk Tarot:
This image is very special to me. It is a modified version of Aly's "Judith," which was the first piece of his that I ever saw and the one that made me know that I wanted him to be the one to paint my vision. There was a nice sense of closure with this image because it also was the one chosen for the kit box cover, which is the last set in creating the deck. "Judith" was the first I saw and fell in love with and the cover image, the Queen of Cups, will be the first thing a customer sees (and hopefully also falls in love with).
The Queen of Cups is very immersed in the human emotional experience and very in touch with her own emotions. She promises great things but requires things in return: emotional courage and honesty. Whenever I see this card, I think of the words from Florence and the Machine's song Rabbit Heart. "This is a gift; it comes at a price."
See Also
1289. Aly Fell
1826. Barbara Moore
1827. Steampunk Tarot
1290. Three of Pentacles
1291. Eight of Pentacles
1292. The High Priestess
1294. The Queen of Swords
1295. The Hanged Man
2375. The Hermit
2376. Three of Cups
Collection Tags
Tarot, Artwork