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Gail Carriger
Gail Carriger is the pen name of the New York Times Bestselling author who wrote the steampunk paranormal romance series, The Parasol Protectorate.
Gail is a trained archaeologist and uses those skills in her writing and creating a world filled with details. Gails says in one interview:
"So it's those details about history that can really color a world when you're researching and when you're writing. I try to do things like cook Victorian meals, so I know what they tasted like. I visit Victorian buildings to understand the smell. Or wet wolf. Or steam engines. What did they smell like? Other little details, are just intrinsic knowledge, like how they would put up really heavy curtains, tons and tons of curtains, to protect the furniture and complexion (but which, of course, explains everything if you're a vampire).
Knowing a detail like like the quality of Victorian window dressing and then correlating it back can be part of the joy of writing. I color my world with a lot of fashion and food and things that interest me. I just figure it'll interest other people. Because I'm an archaeologist, for me culture is defined by objects, and so, you'll find my characters are defined by their objects too. "
Among her influences and favorite authors, Gail cites Mercedes Lackey, Tanya Huff, PG Woodhouse, Gerald Durrell, Terry Pratchett, Christopher Moore, Douglas Adams, and Jasper Fforde.
Gail also throws her own pottery and is a tea connoisseur.
As of 2012, Gail notes her upcoming projects:
Finishing School, a four-book series, begining with Etiquette & Espionage, February 2013, and Curtsies & Conspiracies, late 2013.
The Parasol Protectorate Abroad, starting with Prudence, followed by Imprudence.
External Links
Interview - Airship Ambassador
Interview - Vampire Film Festival
Interview - Better Story Telling
Interview - Lytherus
Gift Shop
See Also
1028. Soulless
1029. Changeless
1030. Blameless
1031. Heartless
1032. Timeless
2386. Etiquette & Espionage
2387. Curtsies & Conspiracies
2281. Orbit
Collection Tags
Gail Carriger
Gail Carriger is the pen name of the New York Times Bestselling author who wrote the steampunk paranormal romance series, The Parasol Protectorate.
Gail is a trained archaeologist and uses those skills in her writing and creating a world filled with details. Gails says in one interview:
"So it's those details about history that can really color a world when you're researching and when you're writing. I try to do things like cook Victorian meals, so I know what they tasted like. I visit Victorian buildings to understand the smell. Or wet wolf. Or steam engines. What did they smell like? Other little details, are just intrinsic knowledge, like how they would put up really heavy curtains, tons and tons of curtains, to protect the furniture and complexion (but which, of course, explains everything if you're a vampire).
Knowing a detail like like the quality of Victorian window dressing and then correlating it back can be part of the joy of writing. I color my world with a lot of fashion and food and things that interest me. I just figure it'll interest other people. Because I'm an archaeologist, for me culture is defined by objects, and so, you'll find my characters are defined by their objects too. "
Among her influences and favorite authors, Gail cites Mercedes Lackey, Tanya Huff, PG Woodhouse, Gerald Durrell, Terry Pratchett, Christopher Moore, Douglas Adams, and Jasper Fforde.
Gail also throws her own pottery and is a tea connoisseur.
As of 2012, Gail notes her upcoming projects:
Finishing School, a four-book series, begining with Etiquette & Espionage, February 2013, and Curtsies & Conspiracies, late 2013.
The Parasol Protectorate Abroad, starting with Prudence, followed by Imprudence.
External Links
Interview - Airship Ambassador
Interview - Vampire Film Festival
Interview - Better Story Telling
Interview - Lytherus
Gift Shop

See Also
1028. Soulless
1029. Changeless
1030. Blameless
1031. Heartless
1032. Timeless
2386. Etiquette & Espionage
2387. Curtsies & Conspiracies
2281. Orbit
Collection Tags